Imagine Dragons

Imagine Dragons

Do you know the band Imagine Dragons? They’re an uber hip, indie-pop-rock band sensation with songs full of angst and heart. Not the point, but for what’s it’s worth, check them out if you’re not familiar.  Their work is great.

Here’s the point.

What comes to mind when you imagine dragons? Every time I hear that phrase Imagine Dragons, my mind skitters to a slight detour. Every. Single. Time. Like when you’re racing toward a destination on a road trip and suddenly see a view that begs you to hit the breaks, pull off on the shoulder and take it in. Or take a picture for Instagram. Or whatever you do.

It happened again this morning so I opted to carve out some time to give it thought. Anytime something gives me pause more than once, it’s worth thinking about in my experience. Great things can come from little ideas.

Imagine dragons. It’s partly a call to adventure, isn’t it? Think about that fantastical world of childhood stories where shiny knights fight fiery dragons, protect the castle and save the villagers from certain doom. Imagining the make-believe world of dragons and other mythical creatures connects with that spirit of adventure within us.  Yes, you could read a good book to satisfy that craving, Or you can strap on your ‘adventure shoes’ and take a trek on the wildlife side. Where will your adventure take you and what are you waiting for?

It’s also about facing down your adversaries, your fears and your doubts. Imagine dragons à la Game of Thrones, those fire breathing, winged troubadours of doom capable of flame broiling whole villages of fragile folk. And yet, the courageous hero, or dragon-whispering heroine, manages to subdue the enemy with an ingenious plan, or wisdom and wit. What ‘dragon’ will you face down and how will you use your keen skills and determination to vanquish that foe? 

Just the two words spark imagination, don’t they? And herein lies the REAL magic. If you can imagine dragons, what else can you imagine? Yes, picture the fanciful, prehistoric winged creatures, their wings reverberating in the airspace like an airliner-sized bat. Think of a house-sized dinosaur with wings. Imagine yourself with wings. And what if you imagine what COULD be? What idea have you been quietly nurturing and what if you give that IDEA wings? 

So it’s really a call to action. Each day, as we prepare to go out into the world of our work and life, imagining dragons is a great way to start. Prepare for adventure. Be bold in the face of literal or metaphoric enemies. Imagine possibility, create the plan of attack and get out there and chase it. 

Imagine dragons today. I dare you.

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